Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen


I gripped the hand rest tight, feeling my heart speed up once again. The plane had been shaking slightly every few minutes, reminding me of the crash. It scared the shit out of me, and I wished someone had a sleeping pill to give me. Mrs. Cope had no trouble, however; she'd fallen asleep right away on my shoulder, drooling away.

The plane jerked to the right, hard, and I yelped loudly, grabbing my overexerted heart. Mrs. Cope finally woke up with my jump and looked up at me, confused.

"Something wrong?" she asked, taking in my terrified form. The flight attendant stared at me like I had shit on my head.

I rubbed my chest, trying to make my heart slow down so it would jump out of my body. I took a deep, shaky breath and shook my head. "No, just freaking out again."

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and patted my arm. "How much longer?"

"About thirty minutes ago they announced it would be one more hour, so about a half hour, I think. Wish it was sooner. I don't think my nerves can take much more of this."

It was nearing midnight by the time we reached France. Mrs. Cope was falling asleep again, and I was exhausted after ten hours on a plane. A local airport two hours away from Paris had given us permission to land there, and Mrs. Cope handed me a passport when we walked off. It had my name and picture and all my information.

"How the hell did you manage to get this?" I asked, confused. My original passport had gone down with Flight 1107.

"Don't ask. Just thank your father's large bank account." She talked to a woman at the entrance, making sure we wouldn't be harassed and chased with cameras at the airport. The woman led us through the sliding doors, and I noticed the wall televisions all turned on the news. My face was on the TV, as well as Mrs. Cope's, from when we'd walked out of the hospital. It was very strange to see myself on every television in sight. I hadn't really looked in a mirror in so long, but seeing myself on the big screens, I realized how different I looked. It wasn't a drastic change, but I still saw every adjustment. My face was thinner, a bit sunken in. My beard was gone, so I could see how much more my jaw line stuck out. My hair was longer, making it twice as messy.

I looked…older.

A few people stared at us as we strode by, but luckily, no one dared to take a picture or follow. We climbed onto a bus after retrieving what little luggage we had.

I looked to Mrs. Cope and cocked an eyebrow, silently asking what she planned to do next.

"Let's just get a hotel for the night," she said, yawning. "I'm sure Paris will still be there in the morning, and I doubt anyone is awake anyway."

I smiled at that. Alice was most certainly awake, probably obsessing over something for her wedding. In a few hours, she would be a lawfully wedded woman, and I was sure just that fact was freaking her out right about now. Jasper was probably sleeping like a baby, not at all worried about any of it. I chuckled, my sleepy imagination running away with me.

We grabbed a room at the closest hotel we could and Mrs. Cope passed out quickly. I, however, sat down on the windowsill and stared out at the stars. I wondered what time it was back in Florida and whether my Bella was looking at the same sky I was looking at. Had she woken shortly after I left, immediately asking for me? Was she terribly angry with me? I hoped not, but I completely understood if she felt that way.

I wished ten o'clock would come more quickly so that I could hurry up and see my family, and then rush back to the States. I cringed slightly-that meant another plane ride.

I was very, very tired, but I couldn't stop my mind from wandering. I leaned my forehead against the cool glass of the window and sighed. The more I looked up at the stars, I could make out a perfect constellation of two beautiful, wide set, doe-shaped eyes.

I missed my girl, and I wished I had never left. Someone was definitely going to tape the wedding, and I could have just seen it in the future. I could have kept trying to call my family instead of flying all the way over here. I should have woken Bella up and held her close to me, assuring my love for her and promising that we would finally move forward after all the fuss was over.

At the very least, I should have left her a note. Oh, God, I felt like such an idiot. I gripped my hair, furious with myself for not having thought about that. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity and got into bed. I tossed and turned for a while, unable to quit badgering myself.

I sort of felt bad for not wanting to be here; I hadn't seen my family in two months, and still I wanted to jump on the next plane back to Florida with no concern of how they'd feel about it. And then I felt bad about feeling bad, because if I would miss the wedding and rejoin Bella, she would be disappointed that I put her before my family. Or would she be completely happy if I ignored them for her? That didn't sound like her, though. I tried to push these thoughts away; I was here now, and that was all that mattered until I could get back to the USA. I would go to the wedding and have a happy reunion with my family and then go home and have a happy reunion with Bella.

I did successfully stop thinking about everything that was going on, but every time I closed my eyelids, I saw her. Bella, running in the sand. Bella, swimming naked with bubbles coating her skin, her gorgeous legs moving surprisingly graceful as she circled me. Bella, moaning my name loudly, her breasts bouncing below me in sync with my thrusts.

I'm going to miss that island. The thought ran through my mind before I could stop it. It seemed like one of those "be careful what you wish for" moments. For so long, Bella and I wanted to get off that island, but now I wished we had a little more time there. That is, if Bella hadn't broken her ankle.

At first, when we found the little spit of land, we thought it was going to be hard. Impossible to survive. And it was…difficult. But if there was anything I had learned on that island, it was this: a human can adapt to anything. But it wasn't just adapting. We had thrived there. If it wasn't for our families and the possibility of getting hurt without medical help, I would grab Bella and return in a heartbeat.

I knew I sounded like a girl, but the island had been magical. It was a lot better than the place I was now, for sure. It was a hell of a lot easier, too. I sounded like a caveman, wanting to take Bella and hide her from the world, keep her all to myself where the world was simple and the only thing we really worried about was the storms.

I stared at the ceiling, the paint peeling away in several places.

I think I fell asleep a while later, but there was no telling with the digital clock in military time. I was too lazy to translate it to regular time.

"Edward! Wake up!" I felt something soft hit my shoulder hard, and my eyes flew open.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled sleepily. I blinked sleep from my eyes and tried to focus on the stocky form in front of me.

"Edward! I slept late! It's already eight thirty!" Mrs. Cope shouted. I jumped from the bed and looked at her.

"We'll never make it in time now!" she said.

"Yes we will!" I ran to the bathroom, grabbing the first shirt and jeans I could find. I dressed quickly, skipping the shower. Mrs. Cope and I brushed our teeth at the same time, fighting over the one sink.

Mmm, toothpaste.

We ran out of the hotel room and onto the street. I got us a taxi while pulling on my shoe.

We jumped into the yellow car and when the man asked me where to go, I said, "The…Basilique du…," I tried to think of the damn name, "Sacre-Coeur!"

Mrs. Cope slammed the door, and I instantly panicked. We didn't have any French money. The taxi driver groaned.

"Is too far! You take bus!" he yelled at me angrily. Mrs. Cope threw some foreign bills onto the front seat with the man, and he grabbed them, shutting up quick.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked.

"I had them from the last time we came here," she explained.

I looked down at my lap dumbly. If I didn't have Ms. Cope, I would be pretty screwed right now. I felt like an irresponsible child, unable to help with anything.

The first hour of the ride was silent. The driver put the radio on some French station, and I even recognized some of the songs from when my old high school teacher would make us sing along. I stared out the window at the beautiful scenery, trying to ignore the emptiness in my chest. I hadn't eaten in so long, and I could feel it getting to me, but I knew if someone shoved a five dollar foot long in my face, I wouldn't even be able to take one bite. Did every man feel this when he was separated from the one he loved? I couldn't even imagine how much worse it would be if we broke up. I would either starve to death or go crazy.

Those thoughts brought out another fear.

Oh, God, what if she doesn't want me when I get back? What if she's so angry with me for leaving that she leaves herself? Now I was just being irrational again; Bella couldn't leave because she had surgery the day before. But there was still the nagging thought of her not wanting me when I returned.

Yeah, you should have woken her up before you left, doofus. Smart move, you idiot.

And now I was even talking to myself in my mind. I would not be right again until I was with her. All my time spent with her on the island had made me dependent…and pathetic. Not so much dependent on her helping me, no-that wasn't it. I was dependent on her company and her love. Going so long having and wanting just her, she felt like a drug to me.

And now I was having withdrawals.

A while later I looked at the clock, and it read 10:00, which was the time when the wedding started.

"Could you drive faster, please?" I asked the driver, my impatient tone mismatching my words.

"We get there at ten thirty," he responded, glaring at me in the rearview mirror.

I'm going to miss Alice walking down the aisle.

Mrs. Cope patted my hand, probably thinking the same as me.

Finally, thirty minutes later, we pulled into a parking lot near the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur. It was paper-white, and beautiful. I had to crane my neck just to see the top of it.

"C'mon!" I said to Mrs. Cope. I wanted to run, but I couldn't leave the poor old lady on her own. We walked quickly to the side doors of the church and saw many tourists visiting the bottom floor. I guessed the wedding would be held on the second floor, so I took Mrs. Cope's hand and led her to the nearest staircase, ignoring the CLOSED sign. I ran up the first staircase, quickly trying to find the next one. I had no idea where I was, but I could faintly hear a pipe organ playing music. I could feel myself getting closer, and just the thought of my family being in the same building as me gave me goosebumps.

Then I ran into a security guard. At first, he was kind to me, talking quickly in French, probably telling me I wasn't allowed here. Or maybe he was asking if I was the long lost brother of the bride? Yeah, right. If only my life was so lucky. He was the only one, though, and he was short and stocky. When I made sure there was no gun on him, I ran past him. He called after me angrily, chasing me, but I knew there was no way he'd catch me.

"Non! Vous ne pouvez aller là! Arrêtez! C'est uniquement pour les personnes avant une invitation!"

"Edward! You're going to get us in trouble!" I heard Mrs. Cope shout.

I ignored both of them and ran up another staircase, still not having a clue as to where I was going. The stairs took me up into a room that resembled an attic, with old wooden chairs and spider webs everywhere. I was about to turn around and go back when I saw a screen to my far right.

Looking closer, I saw that it was not a screen, but a large window. I walked over to it and looked out, but instead of seeing outside the church, I was looking into the hall. There were chandeliers hanging in the large room right across from where I stood, huge white ribbons coating the pillars. The big painting of Jesus and some angels was lit up, and I looked down.

There was Alice. And Jasper. And a priest. My sister and her fiance were kneeling, doing whatever they do at weddings. I was at a loss for words, simply touching the glass in front of me. Alice turned her head to look at Jasper, and even though I was so far up and away, I could still see her smile. Seeing my sister's face-well, really just her profile-after so long made me smile like a maniac. She turned her head back to face the priest, and I looked at the guests sitting below me.

I saw my dear Uncle Darren, his blond afro making it impossible to mistake him. My Aunt Jemma was sitting next to him, whispering to the lady next to her. I could make out other people, Jasper's parents, Alice's friends from back home.

I saw the back of my mom's head, leaning on my dad's shoulder. I smiled slightly at the look of them, just imagining what they were thinking right now.

A few minutes later Alice and Jasper got up and faced each other, said their vows and kissed. Then they faced me, but I knew they wouldn't just see me; I was over twenty feet above them.

I could hear footsteps coming up the staircase. Fuck. The guard had found me. He started cursing at me in French again and pulling my arm to make me move.

"I'm her brother!" I told him, pointing below at Alice. He didn't understand me, or maybe he was just ignoring me. I thought back to my French classes.

"Sa frère! Sa frère!" I said, pointing at me and then Alice again, but he still kept pulling on me. I fought him off and looked back through the window. The married couple was walking back down the aisle, and I had to get Alice's attention before I got arrested.

Feeling extremely like Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate, I started banging on the glass and waving to make Alice see me. "ALICE!" I shouted over and over. The security guard got back up and took hold of my waist to make me move. I pushed him with one hand and banged on the glass with the other.

Oh, man, am I in deep shit if they don't see me.

Finally, Jasper must have heard my commotion and looked up, meeting my eyes. His jaw dropped and he stopped walking abruptly. Alice noticed his hesitation and looked to see what was distracting him. I smiled wide and started jumping up and down when she saw me. Her jaw dropped, too, and she looked back at Jasper and asked him something. He shook his head and they both looked back at me. The guests started to notice, too, and I saw my mom run over to Alice, looking up at me.

More guards came to help the man trying to restrain me, and I couldn't fight off all of them. They pulled me away from the window and back down the stairs. A cop handcuffed me and started leading me out.

"No! My sister's the bride! You can't do this! Just ask her! Please!" I shouted. I tried to dig my heels into the floor to keep him from taking me. Then I saw a big blur of white, fluffy and thick and suffocating me.

"You're alive! Oh, Edward!" Alice's voice cried. Her arms gripped me tight and her veil was in my face. "Let him go! He's my brother!" The handcuffs came off in a second, but then I was strangled by more arms and fancy dresses.


"You're really here?"

"I thought you were dead!"

"What happened?"

I looked into Alice's watery eyes and said, "Sorry I'm late."

She made a noise between a sob and a chuckle. "Well, you could have at least dressed a little nicer." Everyone burst out laughing.

I smile and fought myself out of the chaotic hugs and kisses, looking for a different face. My momma.

Her green gaze met mine, and I saw that there were tears in her eyes. She was standing by my dad, just looking at me, not moving. I walked over to her slowly, and once I got close, her arms shook as she opened them wide for me. She held me as tight as her little arms would allow, and I smelled her caramel hair. It smelled like her garden, just like it always had, and that comforted me to no end. She pulled back to look at me and wiped the tears away from my face.

"You're really here, son? I'm not dreaming?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Yes, I'm here, Momma," I said. My dad hugged us both.

When we pulled away again, I looked around at everyone.

"Don't any of you know how to answer a damn phone?"

We rode to the reception in a limo, all of us together because Alice didn't want to be separated for even ten minutes.

"So then, we found this little piece of land, and we were both starving, so we swam to it as fast as we could. Been there ever since." I explained our survival to my family on the way there.

Emmett shook his head before giving me a noogie. I fought myself out of his clutches and glared at him. "Sorry, bro. I just thought I'd never be able to do that again. I couldn't help myself." I tried to fix my hair again.

"So how'd you get off the island?" My father asked, still wanting to hear the rest.

"The Coast Guard came a few days ago and got us. Bella's ankle got broken the day before that, so we were lucky."

"Bella. Huh, why does that name ring a bell?" My mom said to herself. She looked at me strangely the whole time I talked about everything that had happened, like she was trying to figure something out. I didn't explain how Bella and I had fallen in love. I figured I would tell them at a more appropriate time.

Emmett laughed a little before saying, "So you were stuck on an island with a girl for two months, eh, Eddie? What'd you do for fun, huh? Play catch?"

I rolled my eyes at him but said nothing. Let them think what they want. My mom just kept looking at me with that strange expression. She noticed that I caught her and looked away, saying, "Well, you're here now. That's all that matters. I'm so sorry we never got your calls, Edward. I never kept my phone with me, and we were just so busy with everything."

"Well," I said, looking over to Rosalie with a smirk, "apparently one of you actually answers." She burst out crying, and I felt horrible and happy at the same time.

"I'm so sorry, Edward! I really thought it was a prank call! I swear!" she said.

"What are you talking about, Rose?" Emmett asked, confused.

"Edward called on your phone while you were in the shower, and it was an unknown number, so I answered. He told me it was him and I thought it was someone playing a sick joke! We could've known he was alive days ago had I listened!" she said.

"It's okay, Rose. It's no big deal," I said, silently happy with her apologizing. I'd never heard her do it before, and this was good enough payback.

We arrived at the reception then, and I went straight to the food before I could get attacked by anyone else.

I grabbed a plate of nothing but shrimp poppers and sat down. Bella was still in the back of my mind, but with all the happiness around me, it was a bit easier to ignore for the time being. As soon as this reception was over, I was going back to America. I heard Alice's tinkling little laugh as I stuffed my face.

"I guess the shrimp poppers won't be wasted after all," she said happily.

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen


I got about four hours of sleep in my little room of insanity. The nurse strolled in every few hours to check on me, and every time I would ask her about Bella, but it was useless. She knew nothing today.

At eight in the morning, she brought her cell phone to me and told me Mrs. Cope had called at the hospital. I called her back quickly, hoping she had some information, or at least she had gotten in touch with my family.

Answering on the second ring, she said, "Edward?"

"Yeah, it's me. Did you get a flight?" I asked. There was noise in the background coming from her end of the line.

"I did. I just arrived in Jefferson, so I should be with you shortly."

"Good." I didn't really know what else to say. I wanted to have conversation face to face.

"Are you really okay, Edward? I turned on the news while I was getting everything ready, and it was all about you and a girl. You both survived?"

"Yes. And we'd been on that island ever since."

"Is the girl okay?"

I don't know at the moment because these bastards won't let me see her.

"She broke her ankle just before we were saved. I haven't seen her since we got to the hospital," I finished, resisting the urge to glare at the nurse. I knew it wasn't her fault, but this was absolute bullshit. I wanted my girl, and I wanted her now. Every second apart from her made me more and more frazzled, and I was going to blow up by the end of the day. I felt like I could even feel her somewhere in the hospital, like she was drawing me to her. I was the south to her north, and these selfish idiots couldn't be decent enough to ignore one policy.

I heard Mrs. Cope gasp from the ear piece. "I hope she's alright. Is that how you two have managed for two months? You took care of each other?"

"Mrs. Cope, I really don't want to discuss this over the phone. Can we just talk when you get here?" I asked impatiently. She agreed, and I hung up, still not feeling any better, but glad that someone I knew was aware that I was still kicking.

An hour later, I still had no news on Bella, and the nurse showed Mrs. Cope to my room. When she saw me, the biggest smile stretched her wrinkled face, and she walked slowly to me as if she were afraid I would disappear. She sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me silently. I smiled back at her.

"It's really me," I said, shrugging. She started to cry and wrapped her arms around me.

"Your momma is gonna be so happy," she said in her southern voice. "It hasn't been the same since…well, you know."

I nodded. "How bad was it?" Part of me didn't want to know, but another part just wanted to hear about my family. Not letting go of me, she backed away and took my hands.

"It was horrible, Edward. They were in France when they heard, and they called me from the hotel. You know I never watch the news, so that was when I found out." She still looked at me in disbelief. "I just can't believe you're alive. I'm so glad that you are, but I don't know…how. I mean, there was a funeral and everything. We all thought you were gone."

"They still think I'm gone!" I said, exasperated. "You and probably all the world knows I'm alive right now, but they won't answer their damn phones! And they can't blame it on not having service! Rosa-fucking-lie answered when I called, and the idiot hung up on me!"

"She hung up on you?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah, she thought it was a prank call," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Let me call her," Mrs. Cope said, pulling out her cell phone. I sat there, full of hope for a whole minute before she said that the call went straight to voicemail. "I tried calling the others earlier, but you're right-no one is answering."

I looked around at the white walls that had driven me insane all night and morning, thinking.

"You said Alice's wedding is in three days, right?" I asked.

"Two now, actually," she told me.

"So she rescheduled the wedding? After she found out?"

"Yes. And I think she was hoping that planning for a another wedding might take her mind off what happened for a bit, even though it didn't work. They all took it hard. I'd never seen your father cry in all my years living with the Cullens."

I sighed. I really wanted to be at that wedding. All this time I had thought she got married without me there, and now I had a chance to see my baby sister tie the knot. And I was going to take that chance.

"I want to go to Alice's wedding," I told her, debating. She nodded, as if she knew beforehand that I would choose that.

"I packed us some bags, just in case. When's the soonest you can get signed out of here?" she asked.

I thought about it for a minute. Could I really do this? Leave Bella here and go to France? The separation would surely kill me, but what was it doing to Alice right this moment? I'd been with Bella every single moment of every day. I hadn't seen my family in over two months. My sister would never get married again, and I would have to live with that if I stayed here. Bella loved me; she would understand. I ran a hand through my hair.

"I can leave now…sign myself out," I replied. Mrs. Cope seemed to question it for a second.

"Are you sure you're okay, Edward? I don't want to leave this hospital without knowing there will be consequences for your health."

"I'm sure," I said, my voice flat. I tried to gain excitement at the thought of seeing Alice walk down the aisle, but with the expense of leaving Bella, I just couldn't be happy at the moment. Mrs. Cope left to get my suitcase from the rental car, whining that I had to shave my beard before I went anywhere.

Maybe they would let me see her just one time. I just wanted to tell her where I was going and promise her that I would be back as soon as possible. I definitely didn't want to just leave without her knowing where I was.

I was thinking of ways to get the staff to let me see her before I left when Mrs. Cope walked back into the room with a suitcase.

"We'll have to book a flight now if we want to make it in time for the wedding," Mrs. Cope said, digging through the suitcase frantically.

I groaned internally. "Can't we just take a boat instead? No offense, Mrs. Cope, but I am really against the idea of being stranded on an island with you."

She glared at me playfully and threw a shirt, pants, and razor into my chest.

"A boat wouldn't be fast enough, you silly boy. Don't you want to see Alice's wedding?" she asked.

"Of course I do. I just…really don't want to get on another plane. Ever."

Mrs. Cope sighed and looked out the window at the continuous chaos taking place in the parking lot. "I can get a private plane, if you'd like. I think that would be less likely to crash, but it would cost a fortune." She looked at her cell phone again for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. "I just don't understand why your father won't answer his goddamn phone. He gave me this stupid cell phone so I could call him for emergencies, and now I actually have an emergency, and HE WON'T ANSWER!" She screeched in frustration, and I cowered back. The woman could be scary when she wanted to.

"A private plane sounds better," I conceded, trying to change the subject and get her to calm down. "But…I really need to do something before we leave."

"What's that?" she asked curiously. I waited for a few moments, contemplating how to tell her I had fallen in love.

"I really need to see my girl before we go." The look on her face was priceless. It was total confusion and annoyance wrapped into one.

"Girl? What girl? What are you talking about? Did you meet someone before you left or something? Cause I didn't get any calls from women asking what happened to you," she said.

I inhaled deeply, counting to five. I'd never said these words in my entire life, and I knew I would probably sound extremely crazy saying them now.

"I met someone, yes." My answer was lame, but I still wasn't prepared to talk about Bella to anyone. I'd thought about introducing her to my family, but never like this. I figured if I ever got off the island, she would be with me the entire time and I would know how to go from there. But she was in a room somewhere in this hospital, breathing the same air as me but still out of my freaking sight.

Mrs. Cope raised her eyebrows to get me to continue, and I tried again. "The girl from the plane. The one I was stranded with. I'm in love with her, Mrs. Cope. And the goddamn doctors separated us. I haven't seen her since we landed." I looked at my feet the moment I saw her jaw drop.

"I can't believe this," she whispered. I looked up at her and saw a small smile on her face. She was happy for me. She was silent for a few moments before speaking again.

"Do you think they'll let you see her? We really need to leave soon, Edward."

"Honestly, no, I doubt they'll let me see her. I've been asking almost every hour, and the answer's been no every time. She's supposed to have surgery today on her ankle." I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall.

"Well, I guess it can't hurt to try again," I said, getting up from the bed. I wobbled a bit when my feet took on my weight, and figured it was from avoiding the nasty food. Mrs. Cope gave me a worried look, but said nothing. I walked to the bathroom to change and shave, and when I came out I felt a bit lighter-at least, my face did.

"Oh, now I see you," Mrs. Cope said, rubbing my now bare chin, "you look like my Edward again."

I touched my face, ignoring the pang in my heart. I wanted to do this with Bella. I wanted her to be the first person to see me without the horrible beard she had gotten used to. I squirmed around a bit; I'd forgotten what it felt like to wear underwear.

"How about you get yourself signed out while I use the bathroom real quick? Let's meet next to the doors, okay? I'm not letting you battle the crowd outside by yourself," Mrs. Cope said. I agreed and walked out of my room for the first time in hours. I started walking to the desk to ask if I could see Bella just once before I left when a light bulb went off in my head.

They weren't going to let me see her, and I had to face that fact. But so what? She was in this hospital somewhere, and was I just going to take orders from people I would never see again anyway? Hell to the fuck no!

I looked around the hall. No one had noticed me yet because of my new street clothes. Nurses and other workers in uniforms passed me without a second glance. I smiled on the inside-this might be easier than I thought.

I'll just check this floor, I dealt with myself, and if she's not in any of these rooms, I'll just ask to see her even though asking is pointless.

I started with the first door on the left. I stole flowers from a nearby vase and pretended to be just a concerned visitor. Good thing it was visiting hours, otherwise I'd be screwed.

The first room turned out to be occupied by an old man sitting up in bed and flipping through channels on the high raised television. He looked up when he heard the door open. I waved the flowers lamely.

"Sorry, wrong room." He nodded, bored, and I closed the door again, feeling slightly embarrassed. The emotion wasn't strong enough to deter me, though, so I continued. Sorry, wrong room. Sorry, wrong room. I was starting to sound like a broken record. The next few doors had been the same-two women, a teenager, and a guy missing an arm. No Bella.

I was on my tenth door when someone actually caught me.

"Hey, aren't you that stranded kid? Shouldn't you be in your room?" I turned away from door number ten quickly, hiding the flowers behind my back.

Argh! I looked back at the door. What if this is the door? What if Bella's just behind this giant rectangle of wood? I thought, going into a frenzy. I glared at the man in front of me. "No. I was just leaving."

"Good," he started, "I'll escort you back to your room."

What do I look like, a child? I thought, fuming. "No," I stated firmly, "I'm leaving, like signing myself out leaving." He gaped at me, and I walked past him without another word.

I walked straight to the desk and the woman sitting must have seen my expression because she attended to me right away, asking if she could help me.

"Well, I fucking hope so because it doesn't seem like anyone else around here wants to. That island's looking pretty damn good right now compared to this place. At least I got stuff done right," I said angrily. She looked frightened immediately, and I felt guilty. Taking a deep breath, I started over. "Look, I just want to leave. Just let me sign myself out and send my blood test results to my parents' address in Chicago."

She looked like she was going to argue at first. "My sister's getting married in less that forty-eight hours. So I need to leave…now." She nodded and started conversing with a woman next to her. They handed me papers to sign, signifying that I knew I was leaving against doctor's orders and that I wouldn't hold the hospital responsible if something should happen to me. I could hear whispering from a distance away; one woman was saying I was crazy for wanting to leave and that the island must have screwed me in the head, while the other woman said something along the lines of, "it doesn't matter to me if he's insane, I'd still hit that." I chuckled lowly and decided to give one more try.

"Would it be possible for me to see Bella before I go? I just want to see her. Please?" I asked to no one in particular, laying on the charm real thick. The women who'd been gossiping started again.

"I heard that those two had a thing on the island."

"Ah! No way!"

"Yes way! Girl, that's gonna be all over the news like when Angelina kissed her damn brother."

"Well, shit, wish I'd been on that plane. Island sex with that? Hooo, Lord have mercy! Broken ankle or not, that bitch is luuuucky!"

"Shut up! He'll hear you!"

I pursed my lips to keep from laughing. The receptionist right in front of me talked to another woman and they both shrugged, looking back at me.

"We asked Ms. Swan last night if you could visit her even though you're not a relative, and she said yes, but just a few minutes ago she was sleeping. We'll let you see her, but you can't wake her up, okay?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow.

My heart fluttered. She was asleep, but at least I would still get to see her. I agreed to not wake her, and the woman told me which room. I had to take an elevator one floor up, and soon I was opening the door to where she was staying.

She was lying in the white hospital bed, slumbering away. The moment I laid eyes on her, I instantly calmed down. All the stress from being away from her and from everyone getting on my nerves had taken a toll on me. It had honestly been so much easier when it was just her and me on the island. Now we had to put up with rules and other people's bad attitudes. The only materialistic things I really missed was good food and air conditioning. Maybe when I got back from France, we could immediately move in together and grab some Big Macs to celebrate.

She was pretty pale, but not enough to where it worried me. I could tell she had showered also, and her hair was much cleaner than when I last saw it, spread out across the pillow. I put the stolen flowers down on the end table and sat in the chair next to her. Part of me wanted to wake her, but I knew I just couldn't. Simply seeing her was enough; we had our whole lives ahead of us to enjoy now. I took her hand; it was neither cold nor warm. I wished she would talk in her sleep so I could hear her voice before I left.

I stared at the beautiful face before me, willing her to awaken on her own. She didn't though, so I just continued admiring her. I traced the apple of her cheek lightly, then the silky skin of her eyelids, and finally her full, luscious lips. I caught sight of the clock on the wall and saw that I had been making Mrs. Cope wait almost thirty minutes. I would have to go now. I kissed the string ring that she'd promised to keep on her finger, and then I kissed her lips chastely before standing up.

"I love you," I whispered to her sleeping form, praying that her surgery would go well. Tearing myself away was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my entire life, and I had to keep telling myself that I would see her soon. I would come back right after the wedding, I vowed. Then we would make plans as to where we would live and other things like that.

The click of the door sounded louder than it probably should have, and I walked away quickly before I could run back to her.

Alice is getting married. Alice is getting married. I chanted this in my head as I took the elevator down again.

I told the lady at the front desk to tell Bella where I'd gone and that I promised to be back as soon as possible. She informed me that there was still a mass of reporters outside the hospital, and she got security to meet me at the exit. Mrs. Cope was standing there unhappily when I reached the sliding doors.

"I have been waiting for you for ages!" she said.

"I'm sorry. I had to see Bella," I explained, hoping she'd understand.

"You got to see her?" she asked.

"Yeah, but she was sleeping."

The security guards were going to escort us out of the hospital to make sure we could leave without being harassed. Mrs. Cope had called the local private air base and hired someone to fly us. I was surprised how easy it had been until she told me the price.

There was a taxi waiting outside, but I could barely see it with all the people in the parking lot. Vans with satellite dishes on the roofs decorated the crowd. It was all so strange to me. Had they even left since yesterday?

Five burly men walked around Mrs. Cope and me through the automatic sliding doors. Two in back of us put hands on our shoulders to guide us since we couldn't even see over the men in front of us. Automatically, when we hit the humid air outside, the reporters came swarming, shoving microphones between the men's bodies.

"Step back," one of the men ordered, but only two of them actually listened; the rest ran to keep up with us.

This is crazy! I thought. I felt very much like a celebrity, but not at all in a good way. How did famous people deal with this all the time? I was already aggravated, and I hadn't even been chased for a whole minute yet.

"Edward Cullen! What was your experience on the island like?"

"Mr. Cullen, how would you describe the plane crash? How did you survive?"

Did they really think I was going to answer any of that? The security pushed some of the people out of the way, but it didn't deter them one bit. Microphones were still being rushed to my face in any way possible. One guy was even trying to hop over the men's heads to get a glimpse of me. I could see three cameramen following, trying to keep up with their cameras focused on the scene.

"No comment."

"Edward, can you tell us about your relationship with Isabella Swan?" This question seemed to rile up the others even more.

"Why did you save her, Edward? How did she break her ankle?"

"What are your plans now that you're leaving the hospital?"

The chaos seemed to continue on forever, even though it was only about two minutes. When we finally reached the taxi, the security crowded around the door. I helped Mrs. Cope into the backseat and followed behind her, thanking the men who had helped us and wishing they could continue to stop the madness once we were gone.

"Leave me alone!" I said quickly to another reporter who was practically trying to crawl through one of the men's legs. I shut the door, and the taxi driver sped off, taking orders from Mrs. Cope.

The driver was an old man, one who didn't seem to care about everything going on. It didn't bother him much until he looked into his rearview mirror.

"Well, I'll be. Them bastards are following us!" he said.

I turned my head to see and sure enough, the media had jumped into their vans and were currently trying to catch up with us.

"This is crazy!" Mrs. Cope voiced my thoughts from earlier. "I mean, when I walked into the hospital, it was bad, but I wasn't expecting this."

"You guys are on the radio, too," the driver said, "They say something about every twenty minutes or so. That's how I found out what happened. Congrats on being alive, man." He waved at me, and I smiled, not really knowing what to say to that.

He turned on the radio to prove his point, and a man and woman were talking about Bella and me.

"I would really like to know how the hell they survived anyway. Do you know if we're going to learn that full story anytime soon, Bob?"

"Well, Sally, I hear talk that Ofera wants them on her show. Maybe they'll say yes to that, and then we can all see for ourselves."

"Isn't that just amazing? Such a tragedy strikes-that plane had almost two hundred people, right?"

"Yep, big load on the way to France."

"Yes, back to what I was saying-such a tragedy strikes two hundred people, and out of that two hundred, only two of them got lucky. Just amazing. Simply amazing. And to find land?"

"Oh, yes. But they were saying yesterday that the boy admitted he really had to fight to get out of that plane. So it wasn't just luck, Sally."

"And to be on a deserted island for two months! Imagine how hard that must have been!"

"Sources say that they believe there was an affair between the two survivors. We'll have more on that after our commercial break. You're listening to Seventy-Eight point Nine WYRK. Don't touch that dial!"

"Damn," was all Mrs. Cope could say. I was speechless. If this was on the radio, what was on television? I put my elbows on my knees and cupped my face in my hands. If my family hadn't seen that shit, then they must be hermit crabs in human bodies.

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head. I refused to look back and see the vans following us, and I made the driver keep the radio off. I couldn't take any more for now.

Our driver took a few shortcuts and got mixed with a bunch of other taxis, and we eventually lost the stalkers. It seemed the farther away I was from Bella, the more my heart hurt. When I got back, we were never getting separated again. Ever.

Climbing aboard the private plane was very scary for me. The last time I'd done it, I almost died, so I was extremely hesitant. Our pilot kept assuring us that we'd be safe, but he kept stuttering his nervousness around me. He must have known who I was by then and how much I really didn't want to be there. Still, I faced my fears and prayed to God I could survive this one, too.

Mrs. Cope could see how tense I was and tried to calm me before we took off.

"C'mon, Edward, I know it's hard. But please be happy. Your sister's getting married!"

I thought of Alice's face, always smiling and energetic. Then I thought of Bella's face the last time I'd seen her with her hair spread out on the pillow and her little nostrils flaring slightly when she breathed.

I knew this was completely worth it for the sake of my sister, but I couldn't help but miss her.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hey guys. I don't know how many of you actually follow me on this blog, but apparently some of my ff viewers still do and wrote to me about it the other day so I figured I'd explain on here, too.
I had scoliosis surgery recently, and honestly, it's hell for me to even roll over, much less write. I'm trying, though. Just be patient. I haven't given up on Stranded, it's almost finished and there's no reason for me to abandon my baby.
I know there's only 16 chapters up on here, but if you want the other 22 or 23 chapters (I honestly can't remember right now how mnay I have posted) you can always find me on under the penname dangerousandbeautiful. I have other stories up that have been updated, too, simply because they were more fun to write right before my surgery.
I'm getting better every day. I'll be writing more in no time. I promise. Meanwhile, watch Harry Potter. Seriously, it's better than Twilight movies anyway.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen


I couldn’t sleep. It was pointless to even close my eyes and try. I felt like such a failure as I sat next to Bella’s sleeping form, replaying the scene of Bella breaking her ankle in my mind. I shouldn’t have even let her run in the forest. She’d told me multiple times how clumsy she was, and even though I’d taken her seriously, I never thought her lack of coordination could cause this.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. From what I could tell, the break wasn’t terrible, but the fact still remained that Bella was now in pain, and I had nothing to fix it. I would have to wait on her hand and foot now, and even though I didn’t mind, I wasn’t sure if I even could. What if another storm passed? I couldn’t just haul her to the grotto. And our measly excuse for shelter--the spot where the trees covered us from the rain--would be no means to protect us in that situation. We were really screwed now. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did just that.

I looked up at the sky. Do you really hate us that much, I thought, . The only good thing that’s come out of this horrible ordeal is the fact that I actually met her. I looked back down at her angelic, heart-shaped face. My body was really worn out, my eyes closing of their own accord. I tried once again to sleep, but even though I was tired, my mind wouldn’t stop.

Hours passed, and I still lay there next to Bella, and the sun started to make its presence known. I wondered how today would go, whether it would be twice as hard as usual, or if we would get on just fine, considering the new circumstances. I laced my hands together and put them behind my head, waiting for Bella to wake up.

Another hour passed, and the sun lightened up the sky with dawn. I guessed it to be about seven, and was just about to get up and find breakfast when I heard the most peculiar sound. It was very faint and far away, but I knew I wasn’t imagining it. Another plane? I thought warily. If it was indeed a plane, and it passed us up, I didn’t know what I would do. I would probably go crazy for good this time. I sat up and looked at the sky. The trees clouded my view, so I got up and walked onto the clear sand. I scrunched my eyes, wishing I had a pair of binoculars to see farther. I looked all around the sky, searching. The sound was stronger now, and I knew it was closer. Hope filled me instantly, especially when I could make out the small dot far away. I didn’t know what it was, but it was something. I waited a few more seconds, holding my breath nervously. My heart was beating a million miles a minute, and I tried not to blink, afraid that if I would close my eyes, it would disappear.

It wasn’t a bird. It wasn’t a plane. It was a helicopter. The sound of the main rotor blades hitting the air loudly was like heaven to my ears. The closer the copter came to the island, the more hopeful I became. It was facing me directly, to where I could see the nose and the blades only from my distance. It wasn’t only passing us, I realized--it was coming for us. When it was close enough that I was sure it wasn’t going to just leave us, I ran back to Bella. She was still sleeping; the sound wasn’t quite loud and close enough for her to be woken by it yet.

I kneeled at her side quickly, overexcited. “Bella!” I called. She didn’t move, still asleep. I shook her gently and said her name again. Her eyes opened slowly, and I beamed in delight. I pointed toward the helicopter, laughing at her confused face.

“Bella! Oh my God, look!” I told her, almost shaking with all the emotions running though me. Bella grabbed her chest and tried to get up. I pushed her back down, and she stared at the helicopter in the sky as I picked her up. She made a few noncommittal noises as I carried her hurriedly though the trees.

“Please tell me I’m not dreaming, Edward,” she whispered finally, still looking at the sky. I pinched her leg playfully and she yelped.

“Nope. Not dreaming,” I told her happily. She smiled so wide and gripped me tightly around my neck, still not looking away from the helicopter. I set her down in the sand and stood. The copter finally reached us, the force of the blades blowing our hair and bits of sand and the trees. It was very loud, but seeing the words “Coast Guard” warmed me enough to not even notice. It lowered close to the ground, only about fifteen feet in the air before stopping. It couldn’t land fully because there wasn’t enough room on the sand. A rope came out of the bottom and a huge man in a red uniform came sliding down onto the ground about ten feet away from us. He was still wearing a headset from the helicopter, and when he faced us, I could see he was of Native American descent. He had very dark skin and cropped black hair, and he was so big that I was surprised he didn’t weigh the whole copter down. He ran over to us, taking in the way I held Bella on the ground. He looked at our attire in confusion.

“My name is Jacob Black, and I’m a member of the United States Coast Guard. We got a call about a week ago saying there was an SOS on an uncharted island. I’m sorry it took us so long to find you, but without having coordinates of this place, it took us forever to locate it,” he yelled in a deep voice, loud enough for me to hear him over the sound of the blades. I nodded and was about to tell him that we were survivors of a plane crash two months ago, but he started again.

“Can she walk? What happened?” he asked, nodding towards Bella.

“She has a broken ankle,” I told him.

He nodded at me and bent down to get Bella’s attention. “I’m going to get a stretcher down here so we can get you into the helicopter. Are you okay with that?” She nodded her head and smiled. He smiled back, and even though we were about to be saved, I scowled at the way he looked at her. He ran back to the rope and started talking to the people inside the copter through his headset, telling them to let down a stretcher.

Bella looked up at me, and I gave her a warming smile, gripping her hand and kissing it.

This is really happening, she mouthed at me. We watched as a cage was lowered down, holding a stretcher. As Jacob grabbed hold of it and got it ready, I picked Bella up and carried her closer. The pressure from the blades made Bella’s hair go crazy in my face, and I was sputtering pieces out of my mouth. She laughed loudly, and I found the sound contagious. We erupted in short hysterics. At that moment, anything would have been funny because we were finally being saved. I think we just wanted a reason to laugh and act happy.

I set a still-grinning Bella onto the stretcher and Jacob shooed me away so he could strap her in. Seeing Jacob in his clean uniform with Bella right next to him in next to nothing, her only clothes filthy and torn, made me think again how hard it was going to be in the real world. Jacob Black was the first person we had seen in what felt like forever, and this moment would be forever burned in my brain. Bella’s long hair fanned out against the white sheet under her. Her dirty clothes stained the whiteness with dirt and sand. The straps came over her chest, stomach, and knees, and she was instructed not to move. She looked from me to Jacob, and then to the helicopter nervously. I watched as Jacob latched her stretcher to the cage and signaled for the people above to lift them up. Bella clenched her eyes and did as she was told. I held my breath, fearing the worse--that they would drop her.

Five minutes later, she was safe inside the copter, and I was still on the ground. Jacob started to lower himself back down to come for me. I looked from under the helicopter to the rippling water that seemed to go on for ages. I looked around at the white sand and the trees, committing it to memory.

Everything that happened here, every touch, kiss, moment that Bella and I experienced here, ran though my mind. The first time we kissed, the first fire I lit for us, climbing the trees with her, catching fish, swimming naked together, making love for the first time just a few feet from where I stood now…it was all coming back to me. We would never experience any of that again. We wouldn’t need each other like we did.

Then all of the bad moments replayed in my mind--Bella running from me and getting lost in the rain, Bella having nightmares, Bella calling me a pervert, Bella breaking her ankle, Bella crying because the plane left us, and finally, Bella letting go of me in the water during the storm and nearly drowning. The image of her pale face under the water, her hair flowing upward as she sank lower--my falling angel--would never be forgotten. I would give anything to never have to go through that feeling again, the feeling of complete loss and uselessness.

This island was beautiful, and we made really great memories on it. It was our destiny to find each other this way and fall in love while stranded, but it was time for us to go. We needed to make more memories elsewhere, happier memories.

I looked back at the helicopter as Jake was running toward me again. He asked me if there were any others on the island, and I told him no. He strapped me to the rope and told me to hold on. I complied, and we were both pulled to the top.

Once inside, I walked to Bella, who was still on the stretcher, ignoring everyone else. A splint had been put on her ankle for the moment until she could get medical assistance. She looked up at me and gripped my hand again. We both looked out the window at the island getting smaller as we flew away.

We were both given a headset to block out the loud sound, and I could see tears leaking from Bella’s eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb. She bit her lip and said, “I’m going to miss it.” I nodded my head and mouthed, Me too.

When the island was completely out of view, I looked around at the others, who had been pretty silent so far. I realized they were probably trying to give us a few short minutes of privacy before questioning us. Three of them were Native American, just like Jacob, but I couldn’t tell what the pilot looked like with his back to me.

One of the men started talking to me though the headset. His name was Sam.

“Do you mind telling me how you got on that island?” he asked.

“We survived a plane crash two months ago. We were Flight 1107 from Voyage Airlines on our way to France,” I explained. Sam’s eyes widened.

“Are you two the only survivors?” he asked next. I nodded.

“I don’t think anyone else made it.”

Sam looked to the others. “The press is going to have a field day.” They nodded in agreement, and Bella and I looked at each other.

“What are your names?” Sam asked, getting my attention again.

“I’m Edward Cullen, and she’s Bella Swan,” I told him. He wrote down our names and asked if we were related or if we had any family members on the plane. Then he asked where we were from, and when Bella said she was from Florida, he said that we would land there so she could go to a hospital and call her family. I could call my family, too, and Sam said he would get someone to book me a plane to Chicago.

“NO!” Bella and I both shouted at the same time. Sam jumped in surprise at our outburst. “No planes, please,” I amended.

“Oh, sorry,” he muttered.

We spent another two hours in the helicopter before we finally saw land. Bella sighed happily when Jacob pointed down and announced we were almost in Tampa.

We landed on top of a hospital, like in the movies, and people rushed toward us to get Bella out of the helicopter. They got her out first, and she tried to remain calm, keeping her eyes on me. I held her hand until we were at the doors, and a woman tried to push me away from her. Sam explained our situation to the doctors, and I wanted to tell them that I was a doctor, and I knew that Bella wasn’t in any immediate danger with only a broken ankle and being a bit under weight, but I knew that they wouldn’t listen to me since I was really only an intern. The woman kept pushing me away, however, and telling me that they needed to bring Bella in separately. I wasn’t happy about that.

“No, I don’t want to be away from her,” I said. I probably sounded really pathetic, but I didn’t care. I hadn’t been away from her in two months, and I didn’t want to start now. I was afraid that if they took her out of my sight, I would never see her again. I knew that since I wasn’t related to her or married to her, they didn’t have to give me any information or let me see her. I started to panic, especially when Bella looked up at me with scared eyes. She didn’t want to be away from me, either.

Sam held me back, though, stopping me from going after her. They rolled her through the doors, out of my line of vision.

I turned to Sam. “Why are they doing this? A broken ankle doesn’t require all this rushing.”

He shrugged. “Well, you two were on an island for a long time. They’ll want to check for diseases, and we told them we were coming with two victims of a plane crash. It’s understandable that they would be on high alert. Just wait till this gets around the country. I remember when they announced on the news that the plane had crashed. It was…absolutely horrible. We even went looking for the…remains, and couldn’t find anything. It was like the plane just disappeared.”

A man came up to me and told me to follow him. “It sank pretty fast, from what I can remember,” I said. Sam grimaced.

“They’re going to want the whole story,” he said before I was pulled though the doors and into the hospital. I wasn’t even paying attention to where I was being led to. I just kept looking for Bella, desperate to see her. People stared at me as I walked through the halls. I was still only in the ragged, dirty shorts, and my hair was still full of sand and other things. I must have really looked like a swamp monster to everyone. Plus, it was freezing in this hospital, and I hadn’t known the comfort of an air conditioner in the longest time. It was so surreal, walking here with people all around me. Just this morning, Bella and I had been together, and I was worrying about how we would manage our predicament with her fractured ankle. I covered my chest as I walked, trying to ignore the stares and whispers of people who didn’t know me and didn’t know what Bella and I had gone through. The man leading me took me to an empty room and gave me a clean white shirt and pants. He showed me to a shower and told me to get cleaned up so they could run a few tests. Apparently I was too filthy for anything right now, or maybe I just stunk.

I did as I was told, wondering if they were asking Isabella to do the same thing at that particular moment. Turning the knob for hot water, I remembered how I had really wanted my first bath to be with Bella. I had wanted to wash her clean and have her do the same for me. Instead, I was alone in this small hospital shower. I hurried anxiously, hoping that if I was fast enough, they would let me see Bella and make sure she was okay.

When I got out, dressed and feeling clean, but still not quite satisfied since it wasn’t a shared experience with my Bella, I found the same man waiting for me on the bed closest to me. I guessed he was a nurse by the way he was dressed. Or maybe he was an intern like me. It didn’t really matter, but I was trying not to focus on how mad I was that they weren’t letting me see my girl.

“You’re going to have to fill this out for me, and if you give me a family member’s name and number, I’ll call for you,” he said. He handed me a clipboard with papers, and I gave him Carlisle’s name and number. When he left the room, I sat on the bed and started filling out the papers.

I wondered what they would tell Carlisle. Why wouldn’t they let me call him? And what would Carlisle think? Would he think someone was playing a crude joke on him and simply hang up? I wasn’t sure. My “death” may have really shaken up the family. What if he believed it? I could imagine him telling Esme, and then they would rush here to see me and take me home. I could be with my family in only a few hours, and we would hug and cry and embrace. My mom would tell me she was never letting me out of her sight again, and we would laugh and be happy.

Bella….I suddenly thought. I wasn’t going home without her. My gut did a flip at the thought of her parents coming here. Surely, they would call her family and they would come straight away. What if they took her home, and I never got to see her again. I didn’t have any way of reaching her.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. I knew her full name, and I knew her parents’ names, and I even knew her address. It wouldn’t be hard to find her, even if--Heaven forbid--we got separated. I took comfort in that, and tried to finish the paperwork.

When I finished, I pushed the nurse button like the man had asked me to. I found it strange that I was ordered to sit in here instead of a waiting room. Did they really think I was diseased enough to corrupt the hospital? I mean, I had been on an island, not in a brothel.

The nurse man came quickly, and he led me down a hall. Workers in scrubs stared at me again as we walked. The man told me his name was Andy, and that I needed to have a blood test and a physical.

“Do you know if I’ll get to see Bella?” I asked him. He looked at me curiously. “The girl that was rescued with me,” I explained.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure what they’re doing with her, probably running more tests than you since she broke her ankle. We haven’t been able to get in touch with either of your families, but we’ll keep trying. When everything with her is done, and she asks for you, I’m sure they’ll let you see each other,” Andy said. I nodded, and he asked for another number they might be able to reach, so I gave him Esme’s cell. It was strange that Carlisle wouldn’t answer his phone, but I didn’t dwell on that at the moment.

I did my physical, and then Andy said he would fetch me later for my blood test. Esme hadn’t answered her phone, either, so I told him to just wait, and that I would try later. Again, instead of putting me in a waiting room, he brought me to wait in that empty room again. I lost my composure and asked what the hell was going on.

He sighed. “The news is all over this already. Our phones have been ringing off the hook since word got out that survivors from the crash came to this hospital. No one can believe that you two actually lived, and the press is trying to get pictures and the story from you and Bella. The waiting room isn’t safe for you right now, and we put you in here for privacy. Unless you want to be interrogated by them…” he added.

Oh. I felt like an asshole. I shook my head and apologized.

“Our security is trying to get a hold of the situation, and hopefully by the time you leave, there won’t be anyone to attack you for information. There will be some officers in here later to question you about everything, though. I hope you don’t mind talking to them. They just need to know the whole story.”
After I agreed, Andy left me in the room and said he would be back shortly to escort me to get my blood tests. I sat down on the little white bed and wondered where in the hell Isabella was in this hospital. She was near, I could just feel it, and I wished I could run to her. We’d only been apart maybe an hour, and I was already going insane.

I walked over to the window, curious. Opening the blinds, I saw newscast vans parked in the large lot, people swarming everywhere, probably trying to get the scoop. I wondered how long it would take for the news to reach my parents. Why weren’t they answering their phones, anyway? My mom always answered her phone, and Carlisle usually picked up unknown calls because he got so many being that he was a doctor. I closed the blinds and turned away, frustrated. What was so important that they were ignoring the most important call probably in my whole life?

Ten minutes later Andy showed up again and took me to the little office where a woman was taking blood tests. I wondered if Bella had been tested yet, and suddenly found hope that she would be in the room with me for that. I was sorely disappointed, though, when I saw the other chairs around the room empty. I groaned and sat down. I fucking hated giving blood. It was the only thing in the world that had ever managed to make me weak enough to pass out.

“Please get this over with, and don’t miss the vein,” I barked at the woman. She glared at me for a second before tying the band around my upper arm. I really didn’t even care about being polite anymore; I just wanted to see Bella, bring her home, shave, bathe, and have sexy time. Was that too much to ask for?

Feeling sluggish, I walked back to the stupid room. Andy piped questions at me, but the only one I heard was whether I wanted food. I nodded vigorously at him and he assured me he would try to get me something. The man probably felt sorry for me or something for being stuck on an island. I didn’t think I looked like a skinny barbarian, but that was how I was being treated.

I put my head down on the pillow of the bed. It was so soft, and memories of my own pillow came back to me. I couldn’t wait to go home. And now I wouldn’t feel so lonely in that huge house anymore. Bella would be with me, and we could start our lives over.

I just hoped my parents hadn’t sold my house already.

Exhaustion was starting to take over, and my eyes drooped. I let sleep take me.

A female nurse came in some time later and woke me up. She gave me a plate of nasty hospital food and juice. She informed me that she was going to get the police to come in for a few minutes so I could explain what had happened. I drank the disgusting apple juice while waiting.

Ugh. Just when I think I’m finally going to get away from eating fruit nonstop, they give me fucking apple juice. I think I’d rather just starve. At least the hospital I interned at had better food.

I wondered if Bella was eating the food they were giving her. Was she thinking of how much she’d rather have fish right now? I chuckled at the thought of her thinking about me while I was thinking about nothing but her.

A knock on the door notified me that the officers were here. It was the Chief of Police of the city, and he introduced himself as Marcus Harold. He asked me what flight I had been on and what airline. I knew that he was just following protocol--everyone knew what plane had crashed and where we were headed.

When he asked how we survived, I told him how neither Bella nor I had been buckled at the time, and how when we started to go down, I grabbed her and held onto the most stable thing I could find. It was hard to remember every detail, and when I thought of how the people had screamed and shook, I shivered. The actual crash hadn’t affected me much while on the island. I never really thought about how many lives were lost. Now I felt incredibly selfish for never even giving it a thought.

“I remember when we hit water, the plane started to fill up from the nose, and we were at the back of the plane, so we had a minute to figure out what to do. Well, I had a minute; Bella had passed out already. Everyone else was still buckled in, and even if they were still conscious, the water wasn’t letting them unbuckle to get out. The left wing had been ripped off near us, so there was a big gap. When the water reached my feet, I swam to the gap and got out of the plane. The pressure of it sinking pulled me down, but I managed to keep upright in the water and kick up. Then I reached the surface,” I said, drifting off.

“And there were no others? No one else came up after you?” he asked. I shook my head. “Tell me how you found the island.”

“We drifted all that night and the whole next day. We finally spotted the land at sunset the next day and we swam to it. And the rest is history.”

“Why were you going to France? Business? Pleasure?”

“My sister was getting married there, and I was on my way to the wedding,” I whispered. He nodded and tucked away the little pad of paper he had been writing everything on.

“Well, Mr. Cullen, your story matches Miss Swan’s account of what happened. I understand you two had never met before this ordeal?”

“No.” He had already talked to Bella?

“You’re both very lucky. From what I understand, the plane had almost two hundred passengers.”

“So you’ve talked to Bella? How is she?” I asked. He looked at the nurse and said that he couldn’t relay information about her condition to me. I rolled my eyes as he thanked me and walked out.

A few minutes later, the nurse was still in my room, seemingly debating something. She sat on the edge of my bed and I looked at her curiously. She looked back at me piteously and hesitated.

“Please don’t tell anyone I told you, but I think you have a right to know this, okay?” she asked in a whisper, as if she were afraid there were cameras around. I scrunched my brows in confusion before she continued.

“That girl, Bella,…she’s going to be fine. She fractured her fibula, and it’s out of place, so they’re going to give her surgery tomorrow. Other than that, she’s just slightly underweight, as are you. I didn’t catch the whole story, but I think the doctor is going to give her some iron supplements. She’s sleeping right now, from what I’ve heard,” the woman said. I sighed in relief; Bella was okay.

“What about our blood test results?” I asked.

“Those should be in by tomorrow morning. They want you to stay here until tomorrow, but I don’t know when they’re going to let Bella out.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate you telling me this. I won’t tell anyone you blabbed,” I promised.

“So you haven’t gotten in touch with anyone?” she asked me next. I shook my head.

“Try using my phone. I get free calls after nine at night.” She handed me her cell and I freaked out at the fact that it was after nine already.

I dialed my mom’s cell first, but it went straight to voicemail. Then I dialed Carlisle’s and it rang, but he never picked up. I knew that they didn’t even know how to check their voicemail, so I didn’t bother leaving one. I called the house phone next, and after three rings, someone finally picked up.

“Hello?” the sweet voice of my parent’s live-in-maid said.

“Mrs. Cope! Are my parents around? I’ve been calling their cells, but no one’s answering!” I said frantically.

“Emmett? Are you sleep calling again? Are you intoxicated? Sweetie, this behavior needs to stop,” she said firmly. What the hell? I thought. Mrs. Cope knew my voice; she’d been like my grandmother for the last seven years.

Oh. Until I died.

“No, Mrs. Cope! It’s me, Edward! Remember that plane crash? I’m not dead! I lived, and now I’m back. I’m at a hospital in Florida, and I really need to talk to my parents!” I practically yelled. It was quiet for nearly a whole minute before she spoke again.

“Emmett, really…this is not funny,” she said sternly.

“No! It’s me, I swear, Mrs. Cope! Ask me anything and I’ll prove it to you! My first car, my favorite shirt that you accidentally turned pink and told me not to tell anyone…it’s me, Edward! C’mon, you know my voice!”

“Edward?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes! It’s me, I promise, I promise!”

“Where are you again?” she asked.

“I’m at a hospital in Tampa Bay. I’ve been on an island the last two months, and I was saved this morning. I need to talk to Mom and Dad.” I was so happy that she was finally believing me.

“You’re alive! Oh, Edward!” Then she was silent for a few seconds. “Oh, no, Honey. Everyone’s in France again. Alice rescheduled her wedding, and it’s in three days!”

My heart dropped then. No one was even in the states to know what had happened. They weren’t answering their phones because they were probably too busy getting everything in order for the wedding.

“Edward? Edward?” Mrs. Cope called, getting my attention.

“Yes, Mrs. Cope, I’m still here,” I said flatly.

“Tell me exactly where you are, and I’ll get take the first plane to get you. Are you hurt, dear? Are you going to be okay? You sound fine, but I can’t be sure,” she said.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I let out a breath and gave her directions to the hospital. She told me she would be there early the next day, and we hung up.

I decided I would try one more time with my parent’s phones. It was pointless again, so I tried Emmett’s

After two rings, I heard the phone click, and Rose’s voice flooded my ear.

“Hello?” Finally, I might be getting somewhere.

“Rose, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I need you to listen before you hang up, okay?” I pleaded.

“Who is this?” she asked angrily. Why couldn’t Emmett have picked up instead?

“It’s Edward, listen--”

“Edward?” she cut me off.


She cut me off again. “Look, I don’t know what kind of sick fuck you think you are, but this isn’t funny. My husband is still fucked up over what happened, and you think you can prank call him about it? Fuck you!” And she hung up.

I sighed and gave the nurse back her phone.

“Sorry,” she said. She left and I was alone in the room for the rest of the night, aggravated and pissed off.

(three days later)


I stared at my reflection in the floor to ceiling length mirror, ignoring the constant chatter of my bridesmaids. My dress was a Vera Wang, the most beautiful one I had seen almost a year ago now. The beading was very intricate, making subtle patterns from the top to the waistline, where it bunched up into many pearls. It was very poofy, not something I would normally pick because of my height, but when I put it on for the first time, I just knew.

I looked up to my face, which seemed to have bloomed worry lines over the last two months alone. This was supposed to be a happy day, the happiest day of my life. I was getting married to the man I loved more than anything in the entire world.

The green eyes in the mirror matched the ones of my brother. The brother that was supposed to be here.

“What’s wrong, honey?” my mom asked, laying a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. No bride was supposed to be frowning like this.

“Edward,” I explained, fighting the tears back. “I wish he was here.”

My mom hugged me tightly, trying to keep her chest away from mine in fear of damaging the dress. “Me, too, Sweetheart. But even though he’s not here doesn’t mean he’s not going to see his baby sister get married.” She kissed my cheek and pulled away.

“And no one’s going to eat the fancy shrimp poppers that will be served. I got them especially for Edward because he’s the only one who actually likes them,” I said sadly.

Mom laughed. “I bet he’s eating as many shrimp poppers as he likes right now.” She laughed at loud at a memory. “I remember when he first started at the hospital--he wanted me to pack him a lunch and send it with your father every day just so he wouldn’t have to eat the hospital’s food. His first day, I sent him some of that, and he called me during his break to thank me and asked if we had any more at the house.” She laughed some more and wiped a tear from her eyes.

“Your brother is probably scowling at us right now for teasing him,” she continued.

“Yeah,” I agreed. I would give anything to see that grumpy-but-humorous face of his again.

“Remember when I told him I was getting married?” I asked her.

She chuckled. “Oh, yes. He threw a fit, especially when I asked him when he was going to get married.” She sighed, reminiscing. “I would have loved to see that crazy hair of his on a grandchild.” She shook her head, fighting tears. “You know, the first day I went grocery shopping after his…death…I went straight to the aisle with Vienna sausage because it was something I bought for him every time. He always did like the weirdest foods, your brother. Anyway, I picked up a can and was about to put it in the buggy, and I stopped and remembered that I didn’t need to buy it anymore. I started sobbing when I set the can back down on the shelf, and your father and I just starved for the next week because I couldn’t bear to go out again.”

I was taken aback at my mother’s admission. She looked at me sadly, but placed a smile on her face. “And then I realized something very important. Edward would not want me and your father to suffer because of what happened. We mourn him, yes, but he would not want us to be miserable. And he wouldn’t want you to be crying on your wedding day. I’m sure that wherever he is, he wishes he could be here. And I bet he would do anything possible to see his sister get married,” she finished. I smiled at her, realizing she was right.

“Ladies, line up!” someone called from the door to the dressing room. It was time to go down the aisle. It was time to start our future.

All pictures are taken from either Google or Deviantart.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

Day Forty One Stranded


A week had passed. A whole, horrible week. Seven days since the plane crossed in the sky, and there was not one sign that anyone had seen us. It felt like the end of the world.

Really, how long would it take for another plane to pass? And what were the chances that it would even see us? Were we doomed to this island? Had Edward and I done something in a past life to deserve this complete horror? I knew I was being a bit irrational and pessimistic, but seeing the plane just keep going, hearing the sound fade into the distance as I stood there, helpless, I couldn’t help but lose all hope.

And Edward…my Edward. He was coping with both his sadness and mine. I felt like a complete bitch. We hadn’t spoken much in the last seven days, and it was terrible. But I knew it was because we couldn’t just pretend to be happy and get over the plane’s ignorance. We couldn’t be our normal selves again, the happiness we had formed on the island was just gone. It would take some time for both of us to build up hope again.

Every night when we would try to sleep, the image of the plane just flying away made me cry again, and Edward would hold me and tell me he loved me. I was a complete jerk, not even asking him how he was dealing with it all. The fact that he ignored his sadness and took care of mine spoke volumes about his character and the love he held for me. It also killed me that he didn’t seem to want to touch me. The voice of reason in the back of my mind simply reminded me that he was probably too scared to make a move because of all the emotions I kept spilling over. I understood to an extent but we hadn’t gone this long since we started. Fourteen days was my limit, depressed or not.

Now we had been staying close to the edge of the island at all times, making sure one of us was always looking for any sight of a plane or boat. Edward had taken to making larger fires, hoping they would get noticed. If I didn’t want to get rescued so badly, I would worry that he would light the whole island on fire.

I sat on my large boulder, twirling a flower Edward had given me between my fingers. I watched him add more wood to the already raging fire before us, my eyes darting up to the sky every few minutes. I stared at the little pink petals, so soft and pretty in my hands. I thought of a time when I was younger--my mom had tried to plant roses in the flowerbed in front of our house, but, like most things my mom does, the hobby didn’t hold her interest for long, and the poor plants had died within a month.

I wondered what she was doing now, at the particular moment. Had she taken up another hobby, hopefully to distract her from the weight of my “death”? Or was she too heartbroken to even function, as I guessed my dad was? I pushed the pointless thoughts away--they weren’t going to help me any. Bringing my face up to smell the flower, my eyes met Edward’s a few feet away. His expression was one of a man who was distraught. I was starting to grow accustomed to this look on his face: worry. I smiled at him slowly, hoping he got the message that I was okay. It didn’t seem to satisfy him, however, because he walked closer to me and sat down slowly.

“I hate seeing that look on your face,” he said. It was the most he had spoken to me in what felt like forever. I attempted another smile and cupped his face lightly with my palm.

“Not as much as I hate seeing the look you’re giving me, Edward,” I replied. He leaned into my touch and kissed my palm.

“This can’t tear us apart. I won’t let it,” he said a few seconds later. I shook my head in agreement.

“Then why is it the only time you seem to really want to be around me is when I cry every night? Other than that, you’ve been ignoring me.”

His eyes grew wide at my admission, and I could see remorse taking over his face. “Bella,” he started, “I’m so sorry. I thought you wanted to be alone in your thoughts. I didn’t think you were really in the mood for me to be in boyfriend mode for you.” He blinked quickly and looked away from me. “Most of the time, I can tell what you’re thinking and what you want, but I guess sometimes you can be a complete mystery to me, Bella Swan. It’s pretty frustrating, let me tell you.” I laughed out loud, really laughed for the first time in a week, and it became contagious as Edward chuckled along with me. The fact that he was trying to figure me out when no one else had ever even bothered was heartwarming and pretty amusing.

“Looks like there’s one thing you’re not perfect at, Cullen,” I teased. My heart felt slightly better; I was glad that it had been somewhat resolved. So long as Edward and I were okay, I couldn’t be devastated. I also couldn’t wish to have never been stranded here, because then I wouldn’t have fallen in love. It was amazing how just looking at his face cheered me up. I was still going crazy on the inside with all the anxiety and worry about what was going to happen to us, but I knew it could be much worse. I was so glad that we had finally settled our awkward silences and were hopefully on our way to happiness because if I didn’t have Edward…I couldn’t even think about the wreck I would be. So long as I had him, I could hope again and endure anything.


The sun was really starting to drain us out, still hot even though it was now almost October. My body had lost about seven pounds just from being on the island, and I had been slim and a little on the weak side to begin with, so the heat was definitely taking its toll on me more so than Edward. He still looked like a bathing suit model, but I could tell he had slimmed a bit, too. His cheeks had sunken in just a touch, but I could hardly tell because of his heavy stubble. His hair was lighter than it had been when I first met him on the plane, and now it was this pretty lighter bronze color. My hair had lightened up, too, but since it was so long, only the top of it got lighter while the rest stayed dark. I was sure I looked extremely weird, and looking at my reflection in the water didn’t help much. Edward assured me it was fine, but he had a knack for stretching the truth to make me feel better. If I ever went home, the first place I was going was the bathtub, and then in front of a mirror. And then a refrigerator. And then a bed, respectively.

I was surprised that my face hadn’t broken out from not washing it, but Edward said that salt water was good for the skin, and it actually cleans the face from infection like acne, and it made sense; my mom had always made me gargle salt water when I’d had a sore throat. I still felt disgusting, though, from all the nastiness that coated my body. Getting my period had been a relief at first, but then I felt embarrassment. I knew we were taking huge chances with having so much unprotected sex, but we just couldn’t get enough of each other. If I got pregnant, I would accept it, and I wouldn’t look at it as a problem or consequence of a stupid action. Edward would be with me, I knew, and we would be happy. I wasn’t hoping for it, definitely, but it wasn’t a dreadful outcome either. We probably should have at least talked about it more.

I was so embarrassed because I had nothing to cover the blood with, and no girl ever wants to be humiliated that way. I was afraid that Edward would be disgusted by me, but, as always, he proved to be perfect. I hated that he had to ignore the icky hair on my armpits and legs, and I couldn’t wait to hopefully get home and shave it all off and be the feminine woman I once was. Well, as feminine as I had been. It seemed as if he didn’t pay attention to my grossness at all. But, then again, I was sure he had seen much grosser things interning in a hospital than the sight of my legs.

I walked to where Edward was standing, working on something new, and told him I was going to the fresh water to bathe a little. He smiled and kissed me sweetly, telling me not to trip. I scowled at him as I walked away.

The fresh water was such a heaven compared to the rest of the island lately. When Edward wasn’t around, I would roll around in the cool water, stretching my aching muscles and soothing the sunburn. The tiny waterfall was great, too, especially when I wanted a “shower”. I was scared to contaminate the water with all the salt coating my body, however, so I barely let myself enjoy the freshness and just drank from the spring instead.

I probably looked like a complete fool rolling around in the water like an overgrown child, but I didn’t care. The cool water and Edward seemed to be the only things that made me feel better about our situation lately. I sighed in contentment when the water soaked through my shirt and hit my skin. I rolled slowly over and over, making sure to get my front, too.

“What are you doing, silly girl?” Edward’s silky voice called out. I stopped in mid-roll and got up quickly, glancing toward him as my face turned red. He was standing a few feet away, pursing his lips to keep from laughing at me. “Was that your idea of bathing?” he chuckled.

I scoffed and turned away so he wouldn’t see how embarrassed I was. “Shut up,” I told him. He snickered and walked up to me.

“You’re so funny. I’ve never met someone so unpredictable. Emmett would have a cow if he saw how whipped I am now. Especially since I dogged him for years for doing whatever Rose said.”

I smiled at his admission of being whipped. “Your family sounds so cool. I wish I could meet them.”

Edward rolled his eyes playfully. “Oh, they would love you. Probably more than they love me! My own mom thought I was gay for the longest time!” Edward said. Now that made me laugh.

“You’re kidding!” I sat down on a large rock and dipped my feet in the water. Edward sat beside me and continued.

“She sure did. One day she gave me this whole speech on how she loved me no matter what I did, and if I ever needed to tell her something, not to hesitate and just come out with it. I couldn’t figure out what the hell she was talking about, and then she said ‘come out’ again with heavy emphasis, and I realized she thought that I was homosexual.” Edward rolled his eyes again as I burst out laughing. “’Just because I never brought a girl home doesn’t mean I’m gay!’ I had told her.”

“Did she believe you?” I asked curiously. Edward froze for a second, contemplating his next words.

“I think so,” he said slowly, “but it took some convincing.” He ducked his head shyly and touched the top of his back. It only made me laugh more.

“I can’t wait to meet your mom,” I said. He looked back up at me, smiling.

“I can’t wait, either. She definitely won’t think I’m gay after she sees you,” he said.

“Yeah, right. With how hairy I’m getting, she’ll think I’m a man, and your whole plan will have backfired,” I said. I looked down at my legs and cringed again.

Edward shrugged. “Maybe you’re right.” My jaw dropped open--I wasn’t expecting him to agree with me. He really thought I was hairy? I pouted.

Edward laughed. “Bella, I’m joking. I don’t think you’re hairy, and you shouldn’t, either. And even if you were, I’d still do you.” I snorted loudly.

“And what if I had been born a man? Would you go gay for me then?” I asked, chuckling. I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say about that.

He ran a hand through his hair, really thinking about what he was going to say. Or perhaps he was just pretending to consider it to humor me. Then he grimaced.

“I don’t know, baby. Sex would definitely be a lot more different,” he said, shaking his head. “And I really can’t imagine you with a penis, nor do I want to.” I laughed hard, grabbing my stomach from giggling so much.

I wiped a tear from my eye and got up, walking back to the shore. Edward followed me, smirking.


The sun was starting to go down as we both sat next to the shore, talking and playing another game of rock, paper, scissors.

“I’ll never understand why paper beats rock,” I said as I lost again. Edward chuckled and dug out my name in the sand. He looked back at me hungrily, and I could feel the electricity and the sexual tension in the air. It had definitely been too long.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked as I saw his piercing green eyes gaze toward my chest. I was inwardly blushing and holding in my laughter. His eyes snapped back up to meet mine, not one bit of guilt in them. He smiled wide and came even closer to me, grabbing the hem of my shirt.

“I was just thinking that this needs to come off. For good this time,” he said. He pulled it up and off fluidly, as if he did it every day. Technically, he did do it every day before my period came and the whole plane fiasco.

“Hey!” I protested jokingly. His hands left my body and threw the shirt away, but his eyes just went straight back to the cloth that covered my chest.

“From now on, each time you lose to me, you have to take off a piece of clothing,” Edward affirmed. My mouth dropped open in shock, but I readily agreed under one condition.

“Fine, but you have to do the same,” I added smugly. I knew this was going to be fun. Edward had only one piece of clothing on, and I had three more--my bra, my panties, and the shorts. Edward smiled again; he thought that since I never won, I would be naked before him. “And whoever ends up naked first has to run into the water and stay naked the rest of the day,” I clarified.

“You’re on,” Edward agreed, putting his fist up to mine, starting the game.

I lost the first and second time, then only clad in my undies, I finally beat him, and he was forced to take off the shorts. I was sure he wished he didn’t go commando for once. I laughed and teased him as he pulled off his ripped jean shorts, getting naked in front of me.

“Okay, you remember the deal. Now go run in the water,” I pointed toward the waves, still laughing. He smirked devilishly and grabbed me around the waist. I tried to push his arms off me, but he wouldn’t budge. He pulled down the underwear so that we were both in the nude, then he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and ran toward into the water. “Edward!” I chastised. I guess I couldn’t complain, though-- this position gave me a great view of his ass. He carried me to the deeper end, about four feet deep, before he dropped me into the water. I sputtered and writhed, trying to stand up.

“You’re a sore loser,” I said. Edward wrapped his arms around me and we floated deeper, holding each other.

“And you’re a cheater,” Edward replied. I wrapped my legs around him and let him take us wherever he wanted. I kissed him passionately and when I felt him stirring beneath me, I couldn’t help but look down through the clear blue water at him. I looked back up and kissed him again, treasuring the way his lips felt on mine. He moved one arm from around me, gripping me around my bottom to hold me instead. His free arm came up to fondle my breasts softly. After having waited almost two weeks, desire shot through my limbs and insides quickly, making it difficult to not just attack him.

“Edward,” I moaned when he moved his lips from my lips to my throat. He moaned in response, sending more tingles through my spine. I reached between us and stroked him, slow and then fast, just the way I knew he liked it.

We stayed out in the water, kissing and touching, but never going further, as the sun went down fully. I hadn’t realized how long we had been out until I felt my fingers prune, and Edward picked me up once more and carried me back to our sleeping spot. I was tired earlier than usual because of all the times I had woken up during the nights, crying for hours. This night would be different, however. We watched what little was left of the sunset, and when I saw that Edward’s eyes were also drooping, I pulled him down beside me. I had really hoped tonight would be the night in which we reunited ourselves, but we were just both too tired, so it would have to wait at least another day. We laid down and I fell asleep shortly after Edward did.

I was lying in the sand, letting the sun warm my body. The heat felt delicious, especially with the slight breeze cooling me down if I got a little too hot. I was watching Edward swim naked in the water a little ways away. We had made an agreement that we would stay naked from now on since there was really no reason for clothing anymore, plus, if a plane did happen to come by, the passengers were more likely to see a naked couple than a clothed couple. They were Edward’s words, and I was just going along with it.

Sooner than I anticipated, Edward was close to me, murmuring my name and caressing my face. I smiled and pulled him close to me, capturing his lips with my own. The waves hit farther than before, and we both got soaked lying in the sand on the shore. It didn’t matter, though--Edward was the most important thing in the world in that moment. He put his weight on me, but I wanted to try something different all of a sudden. I wanted him to feel my weight, be under my control. I pushed on his chest so that he would pull back, and once he did, I pushed him back onto the ground easily, more easily than was realistic with the little muscle mass I had, but I didn’t pay attention. I got on top of him and straddled his hips, seeking friction.

“Bella…” he cried in want. I traced his abdominal muscles as I sought for his--

And then I woke up. I heard Edward sigh in relief beside me.

“Thank God you’re awake. I’ve been calling your name for ages,” Edward whispered. I shivered at the memory of the dream, still groggy with fatigue and unfulfilled need. “It’s okay, baby, it was just another nightmare,” Edward yawned out, “you’re okay.” I looked toward his exhausted face in disbelief. He thought I was having a nightmare?

“Edward,” I whispered, my voice hoarse from sleepiness. Instead of telling him my dream, I decided to just do it, exhaustion be damned. I pushed his shoulder to the ground so that his chest was facing up, and I climbed on top of him. I wasn’t waiting any longer. He looked up at me incredulously, probably shocked that I wasn’t crying like I usually did. His arms came around me automatically nonetheless.

“Bella, are you okay?” he asked, his eyes widening as he woke up a bit more. I chuckled at him and realized that we were both still naked. This just kept getting better. If only the sun was out…

“Edward, why did you think I was having a nightmare?” I inquired cheekily, waiting for his response.

“You kept moaning my name in your sleep, and you were sweating and making really weird movements….” he trailed off, suddenly realizing what he was saying.

“Bella, were you having a wet dream about me?” he said, and we both laughed.

“Yes,” I murmured as I bent to kiss him, “and I’d like to continue it, if you don’t mind.”

He was all for it, and soon I was seeking his erection like I had been in my dream. He was already as hard as a rock, and I felt bad that he had thought I didn’t want him all these past few days. I wanted to make up for it all. I circled his tip around my entrance and slid down slowly. He gasped when I finally had him fully seated inside me. I slowly made the way back up, and when I came back down, Edward met me with a thrust. We began a somewhat steady rhythm, speeding up and slowing down to make it last longer. We had never done it this way, and our movements were scattered because we were so tired, but I could feel that he hit deeper now than ever before. It was complete ecstasy, especially after going so long without it.

He gripped my hips and moved us faster, and I knew he was close, but I was closer. My mind started to go blank as he moved two fingers to circle my bundle of nerves. I gripped onto his hair tightly and kissed him sloppily. I gasped into his mouth as I felt myself clench onto him hard, like a wrench to a perfect screw. I was in complete bliss, and my whole mind felt like it had gone to heaven. I was very acutely aware of my face on top of Edward’s sweaty chest, and I slowly came back to Earth as I felt his chest rise and fall quickly in pace with my pounding heart. I brought my face up so that my chin was on top of his heart and looked at him. His green eyes were drooping, but with the moonlight, I could see that he was still looking at me, undeniably happy. I smiled at him in response and removed myself from him. I collapsed again as soon as I rolled over and fell asleep again, feeling his warm breath fan over my forehead.

More days passed, and we had gotten back into our routine of mostly happiness and awesome sex. No planes came by, which made us more nervous by the day, but as long as no more storms came our way again, we weren’t going to complain. Things could get so much worse. We were now in the month of October, the month that ended hurricane season, which made us ecstatic, but it also wracked our nerves. We had been here nearly two months, our flight having been on August 20th, and it seemed like a very long time.

We fried fish every day now that Edward had become skilled at catching them, and I had even caught a few with his guide. I felt silly remembering how I had fussed Edward the first time he’d caught one. We didn’t leave the shore for days, afraid that a plane would pass without our notice, and the sun was really taking its toll on my skin. I constantly searched my body for a mole that strangely just appeared, looking for a sign of skin cancer, and always sighed in relief when I didn’t find one.

On our fiftieth day, I swam out deep into the water bravely, wanting to see all the pretty fish that inhabited the waters. I loved to watch all their colors and how they moved so quickly to get away from me. I was up to my chin in the water when I heard Edward come in after me. I knew he would come once he saw my clothes lying on the sand. He was so predictable, and I loved playing with him. I turned my head sideways and looked back at him, trying to be sexy, something I would never have done three months ago.

This island really has changed me so much, I thought, or maybe it’s just Edward.

I sank down a little and took a big gulp of water into my mouth, holding it there. When he finally reached me, I spat it all in his face childishly. His hands came up to wipe the water out of his eyes, and I laughed hysterically. He faked a mad face and told me that I was going to “get it”. We swam around naked for a while before taking our little game back onto the shore. Edward chased me around, never catching me. I knew he was probably going really slow for him so he wouldn’t catch me, but I appreciated it all the same. I ran into the woods, giggling and yelling at him that he was slow.

I really shouldn’t have done it, but with all the confidence I had been building lately, I forgot just how uncoordinated I was. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, just trying to get away from Edward.

It was as if everything was in slow motion. I was running, my feet hitting the ground one by one as quick as I could push my legs.

The broken tree branch sticking from the ground taunted me, knowing how clumsy I was. My right foot caught the heavy bottom of it, and my whole body twisted as I fell to the earth. I heard the sickening crunch that was my ankle, still caught in the mangled tree branch. Cries filled the air, and Edward’s stricken face popped into my blurry view. I realized the cries were my own, but I couldn’t stop them. The pain gripped me like a wrecking ball, shooting through my foot and my leg.

“It’s broken,” Edward gasped out. I heard a string of curse words as he touched my ankle, and I pushed his hand away from the pain. Tears ran down my face as I tried to calm down.

Edward looked around for something desperately before picking me up bridal style. I complained and cried as the solidness of his arms came into contact with the searing pain.

“Edward,” I groaned, “it hurts sooo bad.”

“I know, baby. Just let me get you back and I’ll take care of it,” he said, his voice strained and full of concern. I barely felt him moving with me. A minute later, he laid me down on the sand, carefully holding up my hurt leg under the knee.

“I’m going to elevate it, and then I’m going to find something cool to put on it, Bella. Oh, God, it’s swelling,” Edward said hurriedly. I took deep breaths to keep myself from hyperventilating. He gabbed something and put my foot on top of it to keep it high. The sun beat down on me, and I felt even worse. Edward came back with my sopping shirt, and he put it on my ankle with a little pressure. It was surprisingly cool. The pain was still throbbing enough to drive me mad, but it was more bearable.

“I’m so sorry, baby. It doesn’t look too bad, but it can get worse if it’s not treated. I just wish I could find something that would substitute for a splint somewhere,” Edward said. His voice seemed more calm, and I knew he had gone somewhat into doctor-mode.

I looked around my leg and up to his hands holding me. The giant flesh Edward held in his hands was my ankle, and I realized it had swollen to three times its size. I gasped in horror. I looked up to Edward’s stricken face, and when my eyes met his, I saw panic. He and I both knew this made things ten times worse. I couldn’t heal on my own, and that meant I couldn’t walk. What if something really bad happened? Edward couldn’t take care of me 24/7. Now I was completely useless, in pain, and thoroughly miserable.

Edward’s eyebrows were scrunched together in deep thought and sadness. His beautiful face twisted more every second, and I hated it. Trying not to sob, I reached for his hand. He took it in both of his and leaned his head against the knee of my good leg. The bronze strands of his hair tickled my numb legs.

We stayed there a long time in silence before I asked Edward to move me under the shade. The sun was going down again, and I really just wanted to sleep. We could try to deal with this in the morning. Edward was the most depressed I had ever seen him, and I knew he probably blamed himself. But it wasn’t his fault, as I repeated over and over again.

I fell asleep quickly, really exhausted from everything that had happened. The sound of the waves made me surprisingly calm, and the pain in my ankle had subsided somewhat. Edward kept the cool, wet tee shirt on it and dressed both me and him. I hoped we got out of here soon because as of now, I was better off dead. I was of no help to Edward now, just a burden. The thought made tears spring anew, and Edward wiped them away gingerly.

“I love you,” I told him, putting as much emotion into the words as I could.

“I love you more,” he responded, kissing my knee once more before crawling beside me. He had put my foot on top of a mound of sand to help the throbbing, but I was still very uncomfortable. I leaned into him for a kiss and got my wish quickly. When I traced his lips with my tongue, he pulled back and told me to go to sleep. He was going to treat me like a fragile doll now, and even though I really was helpless and hurting, I hated it. This was the icing on the stupid cake. I was never getting on a plane again.

I traced his strong jaw line tenderly and fell asleep, wishing he would do the same, but I knew he would probably be up all night to make sure I didn’t turn or move in my sleep. It slightly infuriated me, but it also made me love him so much more.

I dreamed of Edward again, swimming in the ocean with him like we had done just about every day. Then the dream changed, and I was running through the jungle again, stupidly. I knew what was going to happen before it did.

“Bella!” he called, but my dream self wouldn’t stop.

“Bella!” he called again.

When I fell, everything went blank for a few seconds, but then the throbbing in my ankle woke me up. Or maybe it was Edward. Or maybe it was that awful loud sound coming from above me. My eyes snapped open, and in the light of the dawning sun, I saw Edward’s extremely happy face, smiling from ear to ear and calling my name. I slowly registered that he was pointing at the sky and laughing.

For a second, I thought that he had gone completely insane, but then I realized what the loud, beating sound was.

“Bella! Oh my God, look!” Edward sang out. I grabbed my racing heart and, forgetting about my broken ankle, rushed to get up. Edward pushed me back down into a sitting position, but I could see almost perfectly from here. My mouth was hung agape.

A small helicopter wasn’t very far away from us in the air.

And it was coming for us.

All pictures are taken from either Google or Deviantart.